- To promote interaction amongst members and to serve as a link between the members of The VHMC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION and their Alma Mater, Venkateswara Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Chennai
- To organize Welfare Services for its members, VHMC students and humanity at large.
- To work towards improvement of Homeopathy medical education and health care services.
- To conduct workshops, seminars, and continued medical education sessions and meetings for the purpose of promotion of medical skills to the clinicians , physicians, academicians and student fraternity in the premises of Venkateswara Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Chennai.
- To represent and participate in the conferences, seminars, Founder’s day celebrations ,cultural and sports activities orgainsed by the Management Of VHMC.
- To publish or assist in the publication of The VHMC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION newsletter, books and /or journals by members of The VHMC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
Formal newsletter of VHMC Alumini Assoaciation shall be published once in three months i.e as a quarterly journal. Considering the better reach of our alumni all over the world, it shall be published as an “e news letter publication”. Later in the years to come it may be published in the physical printed copy which can be posted to all the alumni.
- The Association may, from time to time, organize medical camps in different parts of the country to provide free counseling and aid to the suffering poor and the down trodden without distinction of caste, creed and religion.
- To hold and organize periodical alumni meetings in the premises of VHMC.
- To mobilize and generate resources and funds through subscription or membership fee to carry out the objectives of the Association in the best interest of VHMC.
- All the income earned through the subscription/ membership fee of the VHMC Alumni Association shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of the Association and no profit thereof shall be applied in any manner whatsoever for the benefit of the present or past members of the Association or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No members of the Association shall have any personal claims whatsoever, by virtue of this membership.
- To have its office within the premises of Venkateswara Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Chennai 116
- To make bylaws, rules and regulations of VHMC Alumni Association and to amend, to change or add to the same as and when necessary.
Any other objectives that the Executive Committee and General Body may deem fit in the interest of The VHMC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION.