INTRODUCTION: Computer Vision Syndrome, also referred to as Digital Eye Strain, is defined by the American Optometric Association (AOA) as a group of eye and vision-related problems resulting from prolonged use of computers, tablets, e-readers and cell phones. The Pandemic of COVID-19 poses an important threat to the development of computer vision syndrome. The […]

Introduction The Coronavirus pandemic is of Great concern as it may have a serious impact on the mental and physical plane of the population.Till now 43.9 million cases has been reported worldwide .Although the frequency of mental disorders is expected to increase during pandemics, the COVID-19 pandemic can directly impact the clinical course of obsessive […]

INTRODUCTION: “Corona” the pandemic viral disease which is spread over the world from Wuhan city of China.It initially began as series of atypical respiratory disease and soom it was discovered that novel corona viruses are responsible.The corona viruses are positive single stranded RNA viruses with a crown like appearance due to the presence of spike […]

Introduction: An epidemic is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time. In aphorism 73 Dr. Hahnemann says, “Allied to these are those diseases in which many persons are attacked with very similar sufferings from the same cause (epidemically); these diseases generally […]

Children constitute nearly 40% of the total population. This is the important age group in all societies because disorders in childhood can lead to chronic disease in later life. It is customary to classify the childhood according to age as • INFANCY- up to 1year of age a. neonatal period – first 28 days of […]

Did you know? For centuries doctors thought that medicines made with human flesh, blood and bones could be effective in curing all kinds of ailments from epilepsy to head ache. This practice was called as corpse medicine. What is a medicine? Medicine, simply is a science that deals with prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of […]

ABSTRACT This article primarily centralizes with the pathogenesis of Diabetic retinopathy leading to blindness and its Homoeopathic approach through repertorization. Key words: Diabetes, Diabetic Retinopathy, Repertory INTRODUCTION Diabetes is a chronic debilitating metabolic disorder that has reached epidemic proportion in the developed and developing world. Both the prevalence and incidence of Diabetes mellitus continuous to […]

In a pandemic crisis, Homoeopathy produces healthy results and its safe and cost effective. Homoeopathy has historically outshined other therapies during epidemics and pandemics. It successfully treated scarlet fever, yellow fever, and cholera when conventional medicine was failing. WHAT IS HOMOEOPATHY? Homoeopathy is time tested two century old empirical system of healing. It is natural […]

Pathogenesis of COVID-19: After the virus enters the body, it needs a special receptor to help it enter the cell. This receptor is called (Angiotensin Converting Enzymes_2) Symbolized by ACE_2. The ACE_2 is present on the surface of the alveolar cells in the lung. We have 3 types of alveolar cells: Type1: Responsible for gas […]