The Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology was established in the year 2000, as a part of undergraduate course in Homoeopathy. It is taught to the second BHMS students.

The Department has got the infrastructure and experienced staff bringing in innovative teaching methods to present the knowledge and provide a clear understanding in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, based on the syllabus prescribed by the regulatory authorities namely the Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai and CCH, New Delhi.

The department has a laboratory which is spacious, well lighted and ventilated. The laboratory can accommodate 25 students and is well equipped with sufficient specimens, equipments, instruments and other facilities as prescribed by CCH.

The department is well equipped with museum, staff room and demonstration room. All the legal procedure acts, professional ethics and etiquette, mechanical injuries, post-mortem changes, toxicology etc are taught in detail to the students.

Department museum consist of charts, model, all kind of weapons, bones, poisons (organic and inorganic), chemicals etc. We are also equipped with instruments ranging from small shaving blades o large axe. Multiple bone sets of all ages. We have various toxins derived from plants, animals, metals, minerals etc.


Forensic medicine brings the investigation capabilities of modern medicine to the aid of law and justice. Here students will have to apply their knowledge of the various sciences to the human body.

We train our students to become a forensic expert by observing and learning from post mortem procedure in government hospitals.